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The total solar eclipse will occur on March 9, 2016 on the island of Belitung precisely in the north of the island Belitong. See the photos I capture to detail more clearly. The red line is the best location because it is located in the span of the longest solar eclipse. While the blue line limits the total solar eclipse visible in minute fraction. Beyond the line of solar eclipse visible only in partial. Remember there are 4 kinds of solar eclipses: total, annular, hybrid and partial. Type a total solar eclipse is seen clearly on Earth.... means the sun will clear the whole ball covered for 2 minutes and 12 seconds based on our specifics calculations on the island of Belitong. Over the span of this moment, someone that rare moment in your life because they can see the direct sun's corona in a beautiful atmosphere such as sparkle with beautiful patterns and rarely we encounter during our life on Earth. Remember also the best time there at 7:24 on the morning, Make sure you are on the sunny weather with no clouds in Belitung at the red line or between two blue lines and enjoy the beauty of the universe.

The results of calculation and prediction of NASA and author focused on the Belitung tourist destinations, it is the best area in East Belitung, precisely in the Samak hills or A1 or serdang beach, lalang beach and mudong beach. You can also seen this rare event in Tanjung Tinggi with background on beautiful rocks, Tanjung Kelayang beach and Tanjung Binga beach and of course on our beautiful islands : Kepayang island, Bird or Lengkuas island.. I said the most beautiful phenomena to all of you when I divulge the secrets of the universe : the best moment of total solar eclipse is at the top of lighthouse on Lengkuas island with bright and cloudless sky, then we could see a total solar eclipse with sea background, beautiful island and granite rocks and green trees near Lengkuas island combined into one best picture.

The total solar eclipse is a type of eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun so that the whole ball of the sun perfectly enclosed by moon. If partially, covered only a part of it, if the hybrid, enclosed in a total at one place elsewhere and in part of annular at the others, while annular occurs when the sun-earth-moon is in the same line, but the sun is visible such as luminous ring on the Earth. okey .... guys ... I thought you understand what I said to you.....!

One more thing the Research based on writer predictions and Saros cycle on average of 18 years, the author estimated that the same events will only happen again on 25th November, 2049 but in the southern regions of Belitung, or exactly in Seliu island, pulau seribu (thousand island) and island which we call in our tour package as Elephant island. At that time you should be in the Membalong area or Seliu island or Sumedang island . That's the best location, but it was still 35 years away if we are still alive. If there are long-lived lucky human for surviving until the date on May 22, 2096, the total solar eclipse can also be seen throughout the island Belitong. There is one another moment for you we are still open that is Sumatra eclipse package for 2019...if you really want...

In mathematical physics, we can make some precise predictions to this event of solar eclipse until thousands of years to come. Start on when it will happen, what kind of eclipse, how long it occurs, until which area on Earth are affected by this rare phenomenon. As an example of that, the last longest solar eclipse occur only on June 30, 1973 ie for 7 minutes 3 seconds, while in this century, from 2000 to 2100 there will be no eclipse with the length of more than 7 minutes. During the period 11 000 years from 3000 BC until the year 8000 the next on the longest total solar eclipse will only take place on July 16, 2186 ie for 7 minutes 29 seconds.

Based on the calculation of gravity for mechanics of celestial bodies, it is calculated that every year our moon go away from our planet Earth by 2.2 cm. When we count it for 1.4 billion years later that the moon is 2.2 cm x 1.4 billion = 30 800 km away from the current location. It also turns out that the same time - thesun ball extends only 5% from nowadays, as a result of man who might if still alive on 600 million year to come will not see the beauty of a total solar eclipse such as we enjoy today. So you would say gratitude with your life .... All gifts are available here....even on the other planets of our solar system is difficult to find the suitable solar eclipse (eclipse of the sun such as we have like this) to be enjoyed by mankind. So, we're on the right time and the right place on our universe.... right...??? If it is like this, which the gifts that you denied ........ ????

Author: Heru Sukandar (Researcher on astronomy and cosmology). From various sources .......












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